What is it?
- The Peer Led Mentoring Programme is a positive support for those coming out of prison.
What is a mentor?
- A Peer who has been in prison and understands the difficulties people face when they are released.
- A “safe pair of ears” who can help by sharing their own experience and knowledge of what helped them during their reintegration.
Who is it for?
- Former offenders who need support during the transitional and often difficult time on release from prison.
What is on offer?
- A personal peer mentor who has been trained in mentoring and has experience of reintegration and resettlement.
- A non-judgemental, safe and confidential space
- Dignity and autonomy through a person-centred approach
- Weekly meetings with your mentor.
- Support from gate to community
How do I book an appointment?
- You can phone us, pop us an email or call into our office.
Whom will I be working with?
- One of our trained peer mentors will be matched with you. Your peer mentor will be there to support you on and after release